Quaker Galleries FRONT International First Floor Artists

Chakaia Booker

An internationally renowned and widely collected American sculptor known for creating monumental, abstract works from recycled tires and stainless steel for both the gallery and outdoor public spaces. Booker’s works are contained in more than 40 public collections and have been exhibited across the US, in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Booker was included in the 2000 Whitney Biennial and received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2005. Recent public installation highlights include Millennium Park, Chicago (2016-2018), Garment District Alliance Broadway Plazas, New York, NY (2014), and National Museum of Women in the Arts New York Avenue Sculpture Project, Washington DC (2012).


Alyssa Taylor Wendt

A multidisciplinary artist, filmmaker and curator that works in Austin, Texas and Detroit, Michigan. Her recent projects reference themes of ritual, animism, monuments, mysticism, the primordial, architecture and the palimpsestial nature of history using video, sculpture, staged photographs, sound and performance. Her work provokes questions in the viewer with dark and cinematic aesthetics. She earned her BA from NYU and an MFA from Bard College.



Charmaine Spencer

Exploring social conditioning and how it defines our concepts of value, our sense of place and how it shapes our individual development are the conceptual subjects that help define Charmaine Spencer’s work. Charmaine Spencer favor using natural and utilitarian castoffs, along with traditional material, to visually contrast the “prized” against the discarded. The materials "identity" is stripped, cut, or broken away then it’s woven, bound or wedged together and its new "self" is formed. Creating bold sculptures and installations that adapt, acculturating new environments.



FRONT International

Launched in 2018, FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art is a free, public contemporary art exhibition comprised of artist commissions, performances, films, and public programs that takes place across Cleveland, Akron, and Oberlin every three years.

Oh, Gods of Dust and Rainbows, the second iteration of FRONT International, will run from July 16 through October 2, 2022. Building on the success of the first edition, FRONT 2022 will further the Triennial’s commitment to stimulating new and sustained cultural conversations within the region.


Visit the other four FRONT International exhibits in Akron, Ohio: